Galway Arts Centre
Reading with Echo
08 - 29 June 2024
Reading with Echo is an experiment in collaborative creation, that we have been have developing since 2019.
The Echo Tarot Deck embodies the very idea of reading that characterizes our practice, both Poethical Readings and the Sensing Salon. This exhibition gathers the various moments of a five-year long process. The deck has been inspired by poethical readings of Ai Ogawa’s poems, in which we use Tarot spreads and Reiki sessions to assemble the meaning of each card as well as of the deck itself. It differs greatly from the traditional tarot decks, not so much in content but in terms of its ethical presuppositions. Instead of a linear trajectory of self-actualization (self-development) represented by The Magician, in the Echo deck, the Major Arcana combine into a complex composition while, in the Minor Arcana, instead of sequentiality (and its sense of development) the cards signal elementality (and its sense of implicancy). Overall the deck foregrounds materiality, as transformability, for it allows us to image the ethical, through the inseparability of the emotional, the intellectual, the spiritual, and the corporeal.
Events taking place as part of Reading with Echo
Sat, June 8th 6 pm – 8 pm Reading with Echo – Tarot Reading Workshop
Sat, June 8th 9 pm Join us for the Official Opening of the Reading with Echo Exhibition at Galway Arts Centre.
Sat, June 8th 9:30 pm – 11 pm Disquiet Nights Late-Night Series present – Reading with Echo