
The Sensing Salon took part in the exhibition “Cosmopolis 2.0: Rethinking The Human” at the Centre Pompidou (23 Oct - 23 Dec 2019) . The installation consisted of an image of a reading we did for the exhibition itself, asking: “What is this exhibition all about?”. We paired each artwork with a medicinal plant and its properties, we read the astrological chart of the exhibition, laid out a Tarot spread and a performed a Reiki reading. The image composing the different layers of our readings is shown on a table and is accompanied by an audio recording of us reading the image. The table also hosts a Tarot deck with instructions on how to read, and a deck of cards with the pairing of medicianl plants and artworks, available for use. The image was designed by Arely Amaut. The project was supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.



